CONCERTO sets higher performance standards in energy efficiency and integration of RES and thus drives improved standards and regulations on a European, national and local level
- • More than 3,000 high-performance new buildings were built (1.75 million m²)
- • Around 1,400 buildings were refurbished (2 million m²)
• 376 kt CO2 emission reductions per year in these areas:
- 17 kt in refurbished buildings
- 7 kt in new buildings
- 147 kt in energy supply units – electricity
- 173 kt in energy supply units – district heating
- 22 kt in energy supply units – heating
- • 1,326 GWh non-renewable primary energy demand reduction per year, in these areas:
- 5 % in refurbished buildings
- 6 % in new buildings
- 37 % in energy supply units – electricity
- 46 % in energy supply units – district heating
- 6 % in energy supply units – heating (if no data for buildings or district heating is available)
- • 530,000 tons of CO2 emissions saved per year
(*Data status of September 2013)