Bringing together all relevant stakeholders and integrating different technologies CONCERTO cities and communities bring all of the relevant stakeholders together: investors, local authorities, designers, urban planners, developers, energy utilities, engineers, tenants, owners, manufacturers, craftsmen and material suppliers. At the same time, various renewable energy sources are combined in innovative technology mixes in order to achieve the most suitable and effective way of energy supply.
The diversity From Spain to Sweden, from Ireland to Lithuania, from office buildings to public housing estates, the CONCERTO cities and communities and its associated projects are extremely diverse: diverse in terms of their climates, their socio-economic make-up and most importantly, their energy needs. The following key elements are, however, shared by all:
- The CONCERTO projects are based on clearly defined geographical areas
- All cities and communities strive for a balance between demand and supply: large-scale eco-buildings are supplied by different types of renewable energies
- Targets are ambitious: energy consumption in new buildings is at least 30 % lower than national regulations for new buildings and existing buildings are refurbished to standards of new buildings
- All projects conduct technical and socio-economic monitoring